SABORSAN-486 AJILLO: One of the most classical recipes of Spanish cuisine. Intense flavor to go along with all kinds of food (pork, chicken, mushrooms or prawns), it should be finally fried in olive oil.
SABORSAN-157 PINCHO AMARILLO: Shiny attractive yellow color without brown stains, it will lead to a very aromatic product with the excellent traditional flavour of authentic brochettes.
SABORSAN-1293 POLLO A L’AST: Used to marinate chicken meat with the traditional flavor of roast chicken. Intense and aromatic spiced flavor.
SABORSAN-1293 AJO-PEREJIL: Elaborated with the characteristic Spanish spices to obtain a traditional garlic-parsley pro le with a powerful aroma.
SABORSAN-6308 BRAVAS: Specially designed for potatoes, it can also be applied to any kind of food, obtaining the flavor and aroma of this traditional tasty “brava” sauce.
SABORSAN-1802 CHISTORRA: Variety of spiced and smoked chorizo. Intense red color and Spanish taste.
SABORSAN-909 ANDALUZ: Marinated combination of traditional Mediterranean culture, Arab cuisine from Al-Andalus and condiments from America. This will give your preparation an attractive orange color, decorated with green pieces of aromatic herbs and red pieces of pepper.
SABORSAN-357 ADOBO: Shiny attractive red color without brown stains, it will lead to a very aromatic product with the excellent traditional flavour of authentic brochettes.
SABORSAN-1357 IBÉRICO: With the most traditional Spanish spices: paprika and pieces of pepper, garlic and oregano, among others.
SABORSAN-3359 HIERBAS: Combination of carefully selected herbs and spices to season any kind of meat with the characteristic aromatic touch “a las hierbas”. Orangish base which gives the result an unbeatable appearance and taste.
SABORSAN-2802 CHORIZO: Traditional (and well-known around the world) Spanish flavor, with the characteristic red color of paprika and the taste of chorizo.
SABORSAN-6802 CHORIZO PICANTE: Mixture of sweet paprika with a powerful flavor of spicy chorizo.
SABORSAN-2559 PROVENZAL: It is said that butter could only be found in the kitchens of the wealthy traders, aristocrats and kings during the Middle Age. This is a delicious flavor with an aroma of butter, aromatic plants and something else… quite a luxury for the palate.
SABORSAN-907 ROYAL: It is said that bu er could only be found in the kitchens of the wealthy traders, aristocrats and kings during the Middle Age. This is a delicious flavor with an aroma of bu er, aroma c plants and something else… quite a luxury for the palate.
SABORSAN-308 ESCALOPE: Used to give a delicious flavor to steaks.
SABORSAN-3059 PIZZA: Prepared for all kinds of foods and elaborated with select spices to get a characteristic taste of pizza. Orange color and powerful aroma.
SABORSAN-1408 ROMERO-LIMÓN: This is the combination of very aromatic spices and has a taste of rosemary and a citric touch. It can be used for sauces and all kinds of marinades.
SABORSAN-2059 CODILLO: Perfect mixture of spices to season knuckle in a German-style.
SABORSAN-3602 SALAMI: Prepared and designed to get a pronounced taste of salami.
SABORSAN-6702 PATÉ: Spiced aromatic profile which gives a characteristic taste of pâté.
SABORSAN-807 SALSA WINNIE: Together with water, it forms a shiny honey-color sauce to be added to meat. You will get an exquisite mustard and honey flavor.
SABORSAN-386 AJO-PEREJIL: Conceived to elaborate the classic garlic-parsley flavor, helping the pieces of ingredients to stay complete and to always look right.
SABORSAN-1059 ITALIANO: Authentic Italian flavor for the perfect mixture of traditional herbs and spices such as tomato, oregano, basil…
SABORSAN-1209 TOMILLO-ROMERO: Marinade of herbs which is very popular in the Mediterranean área. Intense aroma.
SABORSAN-509 BACON: Quite a mixture of innovation and the most classic flavor, it will allow you to enjoy bacon in any kind of meat (chicken, pork, beef, etc).
SABORSAN-2702 FRANKFURT: Aromatic powder with a combination of spices, specially designed to obtain the characteristic taste of German Frankfurt sausage.
SABORSAN-1402 JAMÓN COCIDO: Aromatic powder with a strong boiled ham taste.
SABORSAN-2803 NUGGETS: Designed to season a meat dough in order to obtain a nuggets flavor, with an aromatic meat taste.
SABORSAN-2857 CHIMICHURRI: The most traditional Argentinian seasoning. Ideal to go together with all kinds of meat and obtain an unbeatable taste. The mixture of thyme, oregano, pepper and garlic, among others, makes of this combination the best accompaniment for roast meat.
SABORSAN-2592 CRIOLLO: Mixture of spices recommended for meat dough to obtain the characteristic flavor of Argentinian creole chorizo, decorated with partially crushed spices of different colors and aromatic Green plants with bits of red pepper. Powerful taste and aroma.
SABORSAN-2455 HOT-WINGS: Conceived to elaborate the famous spicy wings TEX-MEX, with an attractive shiny red color and decorated with pieces of spicy chili.
SABORSAN-609 MEXICANO: Marinade which gives an intense spiced and spicy Mexican flavor. Red and appealing color.
SABORSAN-9059 CAJÚN: Used in the cuisine of South Louisiana for fantastic meat and fish. The aromatic plants from this marinade are mainly chili and pepper.
SABORSAN-709 BBQ: Toasted reddish color with a traditional tomato flavor and a smoked, spiced, sweet and sour touch.
SABORSAN-707 PARILLA: Very remarkable aromatic and flavoring component.
SABORSAN-8702 HOT DOG: Combination of spices for a classic flavor of HOT DOG.
SABORSAN-2355 TANGO: Variation of the traditional Argentinian “Chimichurri”. It is designed to improve the appearance of the marinated meat product and also its preservation.
SABORSAN-5893 MARIACHI: Mixture of spices and aromas to season all kinds of meat and fish. It has a touch of jalapeño, one the most present varieties of pepper in America (mainly Mexico) due to its taste.
SABORSAN-109 TEX-MEX: Orange color and characteristic TEX-MEX taste for all kinds of meat.
SABORSAN-3893 FAJITAS: For a traditional flavor of Mexican fajitas in all kinds of meat.
SABORSAN-4893 JALAPEÑO: This is a very popular, aromatic, tasty and spicy chili.
SABORSAN-993 DIABLO: Version of the compound for elaborating the famous spicy wings TEX-MEX, with an attractive shiny red color and decorated with pieces of spicy chili.
SABORSAN-7308 KETCHUP: Mixture of spices to season all kinds of food and obtain the characteristic taste of this intense and aromatic sauce.
SABORSAN-3293 POULET RÔTI: Specially conceived to season chicken meat and obtain an intensely spiced and aromatic result.
SABORSAN-403 KEBAB DE POLLO: Perfect flavor for chicken meat, this component has a powerful and balanced aroma and taste, turning chicken into a feast.
SABORSAN-3503 KOFTA: Mixture of spices from Arab and North African cuisines. Ideal for the elaboration of meatballs (“boulettes”), “kofta” or dumplings.
SABORSAN-3508 TANDOORI: Very popular mixture of spices in India and Pakistan, also known as “Tandoori Masala”. It gives a soft red color and is very aromatic, with a flavor between Arabic and Oriental but adapted to European taste.
SABORSAN-4508 MASSALA: Mixture of traditional spices from Indian cuisine. Characteristic flavor and powerful aroma, together with an attractive red color.
SABORSAN-2459 LA REUNIÓN: This condiment is inspired by the gastronomy of La Reunión Island, next to Madagascar, and has a mixture of flavors from Europe and Africa, together with China and India. Spiced and very aromatic taste.
SABORSAN-9508 TERIYAKI: The perfect mixture of soybean, sugar and our special select combination of spices. The result cannot but be delicious.
SABORSAN-303 KEBAB DE TERNERA: The highly regarded and intense flavor of beef kebab, useful to be applied to any kind of meat (beef, above all).
SABORSAN-5503 MERGUEZ: Mixture of ingredients designed to elaborate Merguez (traditional cold meat) and obtain the best results in terms of taste, color and aroma.
SABORSAN-295 CURRY: Very aromatic, strong yellow color, characteristic taste of curry.
SABORSAN-1608 TIKKA: Traditional mixture of spices from India and Pakistan, it can be used to season meat and is ideal to prepare the famous Tikka chicken. Shiny red color and very intense aromatic taste.
SABORSAN-5508 THAI: Mixture of spices from Indian cuisine. Conceived to season meat and give it a characteristic taste with an intense and very aromatic touch of cinnamon.
SABORSAN-0059 CHINO: Special combination for a traditional Chinese touch.